5 Things You Should Know Before Becoming An Online Merchant in the Caribbean

Ecommerce has taken the world by storm, and it’s not surprising why. It’s easier than ever to start your own online store, whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for a way to expand or just someone who wants to sell some of their unused items. But before you dive into this new world of selling online, take these five things into consideration: 

1. What is ecommerce?

Ecommerce is the process of buying and selling products or services over the internet. It’s a great opportunity for small businesses in the Caribbean, as it allows you to reach new customers who may have been unable to find you otherwise.

2. How do I become an online merchant?

To become an online merchant, you first need to have a website and payment gateway. Your website is the platform where your products are displayed and sold to consumers while the payment gateway processes payments from customers on your behalf. For you to receive these payments, you must have a merchant account that can be facilitated by your local bank.  

The third requirement is having a way to deliver the product once it has been paid for by the customer. And finally, you need an inventory management system that keeps track of all items that enter or exit your inventory so that you can know how much stock each item has at any given time.

At First Atlantic Commerce, we provide payment processing services for businesses to accept online payments in the Caribbean in their local currency. Additionally, through our partnerships with DHL & Fygaro, our clients enjoy additional administrative support for their businesses such as logistics and invoicing.

3. Don’t wait for customers to come to you – bring your store to them.

Once you have your store set up and ready to go, don’t wait around for customers to come to you. Bring the store to them.

This means promoting your products and services on social media, in emails, at events and more. The most important thing is to worry about the customer experience rather than just pursuing sales numbers or other metrics that don’t reflect whether or not people are happy with what they’ve received from you.

If you’re serious about growing an online business in the Caribbean, make sure that it’s a priority for you – whether it’s something on the side or something full-time. Marketing takes time but it will pay off if you invest in developing relationships with potential clients now rather than later when people need specific solutions for their businesses’ needs.

4. Use the right tools for the job.

There are many tools that can help you manage your online business, including payment gateways, shipping platforms, CRM systems and shopping carts. We’ve already covered the first two in this guide; here’s a closer look at some of the other tools you might find useful as an online merchant in the Caribbean:

  • A website builder can help you set up your basic information and sales pages quickly; it also makes it easy to update those pages in real-time. It’s not just for creating websites—you can use one to create landing pages too!
  • A marketing tool is essential if you want people to be aware of your products or services. You could use email marketing campaigns and social media advertising; there are also paid advertising channels available through Google Adwords and Facebook Ads Manager which allow merchants like yourself to target specific audiences based on variables such as location (country), gender or age range.

5. Don’t forget to market your store.

You may have a great product, but it’s not enough. If you want to make money, you need customers. And this is where the next step comes in: marketing your store. 

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about marketing is advertising; however, there are many other ways to market your store that don’t involve spending money on advertising or paying for expensive web design and development services. 

Think about what kind of customer you want to attract and then devise a way that they can find your store easily (and remember: consistency matters!) so they can buy from you instead of someone else with much less hassle on their part. For example, if you’re selling Caribbean-inspired fashion items online because they’re popular right now among young people who live in cities like New York or Los Angeles who also love tropical destinations like Puerto Rico & Cuba…then make sure people visiting these cities know about your business! This could mean promoting yourself through social media networks (like Facebook), reaching out directly through friends’ connections in those regions/cities where there might be some interest (e-mailing them/calling them), or even sending out postcards informing people about upcoming events related specifically towards this niche market (special themed parties). 

If you want to learn more about how to get new customers to visit your website, click here. 

Ecommerce can be a great opportunity for small businesses in the Caribbean so long as they take proper steps to ensure it works well for them.

Ecommerce is the process of selling products or services online, and it has been around since the late 1990s. Since then, ecommerce has grown to be a very important part of business worldwide.  

You may know that more people are using online shopping than ever before — but did you also know that there are now more than 4.95 billion global internet users worldwide? If you aren’t an online merchant yet, do not worry: if you have knowledge of your product or service and an eye on how consumers want to buy it (or at least how they’ll continue buying), then starting up an ecommerce business could be just what your company needs. 


Ecommerce is a great way for small businesses to connect with customers in the Caribbean. It gives them a platform to sell their products and services online, which can allow them to reach more people across the world than ever before. 

Click here to learn more on how to become a merchant in the Caribbean with First Atlantic Commerce.