Mobile marketing – what do you know about it? How much of it have you been using in your business? Maybe you don’t really think it’s all that important. After all, what good are a few SMS’s going to do?
They could do a lot. Seattle Sun ran a very successful campaign that resulted in nearly $200,000 in offers being redeemed. It also netted the company a lot of new mobile subscribers. If you want to find out exactly how many, you’ll need to check out the infographic below that compiled.
Give the infographic a quick scan and you’ll see there are lots of juicy facts and figures about mobile marketing. But as interesting as statistics are, they don’t always give you information that you can act on.
That’s fine, the infographic also lets you know exactly how businesses use mobile marketing to best effect. It’s a quick five minute read in total, but it’s packed with useful and actionable info. Best of all, it’s been broken down into small bites of information.
You get the choice tidbits without having to wade through endless waffling online. You’ll walk away with a good understanding of the topic and no doubt agree that mobile marketing is your business’s future.
And when we say mobile marketing, we mean a lot more than just boring old SMS campaigns. What about sending Bluetooth messages to customers who are within range of your business? Imagine that you are a few steps away from your local bakery and they send you an offer of a free muffin.
It would seem serendipitous – after all, you are literally a few doors away. These “coincidental” cues could lead to a significant increase in terms of sales for your business, couldn’t they?
But why stop there? Why not use mobile marketing to reach out to people in your town or suburb? Why not go a step further and consider creating an app for your clients to use? If the budget doesn’t quite stretch that far, email marketing optimized for mobile viewing would also be a step in the right direction.
All that’s really left is one simple question – “What are you going to start with first?”