Hamilton, Bermuda — December 16, 2015 — First Atlantic Commerce (FAC), an international payment gateway solutions provider, took second place for the “Innovation of the Year – International Market” category in the annual TechAwards held by Bermuda’s department of E-commerce. The award was presented to FAC for their work with Digicel, a mobile phone network provider operating in 33 markets across the Caribbean, Central America, and Oceania regions, and based out of Kingston, Jamaica.
First Atlantic Commerce and their technological advancements have enabled Digicel’s payment processing in various markets located in the Caribbean and Central America.
According to Digicel’s Process Development Manager, Craig Binns, “FAC has facilitated payment efficiencies across multiple jurisdictions and their level of service and support is truly outstanding. We would not have been able to scale our processing operations without this platform and its functionalities.”
The TechAwards that FAC participated in are meant to reward companies that are doing impressive work in technology and at the same time representing Bermuda’s particular contributions to the field. Aside from “Innovation of the Year – International Market” award that FAC came second in, other categories included the “Innovation of the Year – Local Market Focus,” the “Mobile Application of the Year,” and “Most Innovative Youth Project.”
Once nominees were accepted by the committee, they presented their innovative technologies before a panel of judges. There, the contenders were judged based on four factors: the novelty of the concepts, the innovation involved in the use or design of the technology, the cleverness of the idea, and the things that make it “of Bermuda.”
All candidates were notified in early November of their finishing place, and those groups that did well in these categories were rewarded. The presentation ceremony was held at the Brian M. O’Hara House in Hamilton on November 19th as part of Bermuda’s celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week. It featured a distinguished collection of businesses, First Atlantic Commerce among them.
FAC sent a team to collect their award and represent the company. They are proud of their collaboration, their achievements, and this confirmation of their success.
About First Atlantic Commerce
First Atlantic Commerce has been in business since 1998 and provides payment solutions to merchants, banks, and partners across the globe. Based out of Hamilton, Bermuda, the boutique, privately-owned company is dedicated to offering the newest technology and fraud management features, and multicurrency payment options so that businesses can expand their client base internationally. For more information, please visit https://www.firstatlanticcommerce.com/.